complete native application descriptor

A complete native application descriptor is a string with format [nativeAppName]:[platform]:[version]

  • nativeAppName : alphanumeric native application name , cannot contain character ':'

  • platform : one of android or ios

  • version : alphanumeric , cannot contain character ':'

partial native application descriptor

A partial native application descriptor is a string with format [nativeAppName], platform and version can remain optional.

  • nativeAppName : alphanumeric native application name , cannot contain character ':'

Electrode Native module name

The Electrode Native module name applies to modules created with Electrode Native cli.

  • Module names should be alphanumeric and cannot start with a digit or underscore

  • create-miniapp, create-api and create-api-impl commands allow passing Electrode Native module name as its arguments.

For example, ern create-miniapp mymovie-miniapp, ern create-api mymovie-api will create mymovie-miniapp and react-native-mymovie-api respectively.

package path

A package path is a string representing the path (local or remote) to a Node Package. In the context of Electrode Native, a few package path formats are supported (as illustrated by the following samples) :

Package in remote git repository:

  • git+ssh://

  • git+ssh://



For GitHub SSH urls it is also possible to use the default GitHub format:



The string following the optional # denotes a branch/tag or specific commit SHA.

Package on local file system :

  • file:/etc/movielist-miniapp

  • /etc/movielist-miniapp

Package on npm registry:

  • movielistminiapp

  • movielistminiapp@0.0.9

  • @myscope/movielistminiapp@0.0.9

Container publishers

The following Container publishers are currently available:

The README of each of these publishers contain information related to their usage and configuration.

Last updated