

  • Add one or more package (dependency) to the MiniApp


ern add <packages..>



  • Add the package(s) to the MiniApp devDependencies

  • Checks are not performed to add development dependencies


  • Add the package(s) to the MiniApp peerDependencies

  • Checks are not performed to add peer dependencies`

--manifestId <manifestId>

  • ID of the override Manifest entry to retrieve dependencies versions from (see override Manifest for more info)


  • The ern add <packages..> command is the ern equivalent of yarn add and npm install When you work with a MiniApp, always use ern add to add packages in place of yarn add or npm install.

  • Based on your preference, you can select which package manager (npm or yarn) to be used by this command to add the package. This can be done by adding or updating packageManager field in the ern object kept in the MiniApp package.json. For example, to use npm. If this field is missing from the configuration, yarn will be used over npm if it is installed on the workstation.

  "ern": {
    "packageManager": "npm"
  • The ern add <packages..> command performs compatibility checks before adding the package to the project.

  • You don't need to specify an explicit version for a package that you add using ern add as the version to use will be retrieved from the Manifest. If you add an explicit version for a package, it will be ignored.

  • If the package is declared in the current platform manifest, then the version from the manifest is used.

  • The ern add <packages> command performs the following checks:

  • If the package is declared in the manifest, then ern installs the package at the version declared in the manifest.

  • If the package is not declared in the manifest, then additional checks are performed:

    • If the package contains native code in any way (the package itself is a native module or it transitively contains one or more native dependencies, the command denies the package installation until a configuration is added to the manifest for this package.

    • If the package contains only JavaScript code, then the command proceeds with the package installation without further checks.

Last updated