

  • Set the local platform configuration values stored in the ~/.ern/.ernrc file


ern platform config set <key> <value>



  • The key of the configuration element to set


  • If specified, will set the config value associated to this key.

Configurable properties

  • codePushAccessKey [string] Code push access key associated with your account

  • codePushCustomHeaders [string] CodePush custom extra http headers.

  • codePushCustomServerUrl [string] CodePush custom server url, in case you are not using the Microsoft CodePush server.

  • codePushProxy [string] CodePush proxy server url.

  • ignore-required-ern-version [boolean] Indicates whether any Cauldron ern version requirement should be ignored. This is mostly used for Electrode Native development and should not be set to true otherwise. default : false

  • logLevel [trace|debug|info|error|fatal] Set the log level to use for all commands. default : info

  • max-package-cache-size [number] The maximum disk space to use for the package cache, in Bytes. Only apply if the package cache is enabled (package-cache-enabled configuration key set to true). default : 2GB

  • package-cache-enabled [boolean] Indicates whether the package cache should be enabled. Enabling the package cache will lead to faster Containers generation, given that all packages versions used for a Container generation, will be retrieved from the cache if available rather than being downloaded upon every generation. default : true

  • podVersion [string] Version of CocoaPods (pod command) to use for iOS container generation. The version must be available (installed) locally default : default CocoaPods version for environment

  • retain-tmp-dir [boolean] If set to true, the temporary directories created during some commands execution, won't be destroyed after the command execution. default : false

  • showBanner [boolean] Show the Electrode Native ASCII banner for all commands. default : true

  • tmp-dir [string] Temporary directory to use during commands execution. default : system default

  • bundleStoreProxy [string] HTTP/HTTPS proxy to use to connect to the bundle store server. Should be the full url to the proxy, including the port. For example default : no proxy

  • sourceMapStoreProxy [string] HTTP/HTTPS proxy to use to connect to the source map store server. Should be the full url to the proxy, including the port. For example default : no proxy

  • binaryStoreProxy [string] HTTP/HTTPS proxy to use to connect to the binary store server. Should be the full url to the proxy, including the port. For example default : no proxy

  • manifest [object] Master and/or override manifest paths to be used locally. If this object is defined in the local configuration, it will take precedence over any cauldron manifest configuration

For example :

  "manifest": {
    "master": {
      "url": "/local/path/to/master/manifest"
    "override": {
      "type": "partial",
      "url": "/local/path/to/override/manifest"


  • In case a value already exists in the configuration for a given key, this command will not fail and will overwrite the existing value.


Electrode Native supports the following placeholders and will replace them accordingly when loading the configuration :

  • ${env.ENV_VAR_KEY} Will be replaced with the value of ENV_VAR_KEY environment variable.

  • ${ERNRC} Will be replaced with the path to the directory containing the resolved .ernrc configuration.

  • ${PWD} Will be replaced with current process working directory.

Last updated