

  • Runs a MiniApp on an iOS simulator or connected device


ern run-ios


--baseComposite <compositePath>

  • Git or File System path, to the custom Composite repository (refer to the custom Composite documentation for more information).

--descriptor, -d

  • complete native application descriptor

--dev [true|false]


  • Optional extra configuration specific to local container and runner

  • Override iOS configuration during local container generation and runner project by passing iosConfig attributes

    • As a json string

      For example --extra '{"iosConfig": {"deploymentTarget": "11.0"}}'

      Find more information on iOS configuration

    • As a file path

      For example --extra /home/user/my-container-config.json

      In that case, the configuration will be read from the file.

    • As a Cauldron file path

      For example --extra cauldron://config/container/my-container-config.json

      In that case, the configuration will be read from the file stored in Cauldron.

      For this way to work, the file must exist in Cauldron (you can add a file to the cauldron by using the [ern cauldron add file] command).

      Find more information on configuring via cauldron

Alternatively, it is also possible to provide this extra configuration in the package.json of the MiniApp, inside the ern object. For example:

"ern": {
  "iosConfig": {
    "deploymentTarget": "11.0"
  • Optional hooks to run an arbitary script before or after js bundling is possible.

    • If a script is defined as a preBundle hook, it will be executed after the composite generation, prior to running metro bundler, from the directory containing the generated composite project.

      • As a json string

        --extra '{"containerGenerator": {"hooks": {"preBundle": "/workspace/ern/picking-miniapp/script/"}}}'

      • As a file path

        --extra <path>/container-config.json

      • As a Cauldron file path

        --extra cauldron://config/config.json

    • If a script is defined as a postBundle hook, it will be executed just after metro bundler has been run, from the directory containing the bundle.

      • As a json string

        --extra '{"containerGenerator": {"hooks": {"postBundle": "/workspace/ern/picking-miniapp/script/"}}}'

      • As a file path

        --extra <path>/container-config.json

      • As a Cauldron file path

        --extra cauldron://config/config.json

Program to use to run the script should be indicated using shebang pattern in the script itself as first line.

  • Enable or disable React Native dev support


  • Host or ip to launch the local packager on.

  • By default it will use the IP address that is returned by the ipconfig getifaddr en0 command, and fallback to localhost in the case the command fails.


  • Arguments to pass to the application when launching it (correspond to the Arguments Passed On Launch in application scheme run config in Xcode as can be seen on screenshot below).

  • Make sure to use = on the command line to provide this option, and keep the string in quotes. For example --launchArgs="-ArgA -ArgB"


  • Environment variables to pass to the application when launching it (correspond to the Environment Variables in application scheme run config in Xcode as can be seen on screenshot below).

  • Make sure to use = on the command line to provide this option, and keep the string in quotes. The string should contain key=value pairs delimited by spaces. For example --launchEnvVars="aKey=aValue anotherKey=anotherValue"


  • Name of the MiniApp to launch when starting the Runner application


  • One or more MiniApps to combine in the Runner Container


  • Port on which the local packager should listen on (default: 8081)


  • Use the previously selected device to avoid prompt


  • You can launch the MiniApp located in the current working directory or on a connected iOS device or running emulator if available. If a connected iOS device is not available, the command prompts you to select an emulator to launch from the list of installed emulator images.

  • The first time you run this command from within a MiniApp directory, it generates an iOS directory containing the iOS Runner application project. If the iOS folder already exists (it is not the first run of the ern run-ios command for this MiniApp), the existing runner project is used.

  • After the runner project is generated, you can safely make native code modifications to it, knowing that the next time the ern run-ios command is issued, the project and your changes will remain.

  • If you want to regenerate the runner project from scratch, remove the iOS directory.

  • The miniapp can be any Yarn package descriptor, including Git or other file system path schemes.

  • The ern run-ios command is the ern equivalent of the react-native run-ios command.

Last updated