

  • Create a new MiniApp in a new directory named after the MiniApp.

The generated MiniApp is a starter "Hello World" app that can be launched as a standalone app on the Android or iOS platforms using our Runner (ern run-android and ern run-ios).

If you have used React Native previously, you'll notice that the generated project looks similar to the React Native default template app as created by react-native init. One of the differences with React Native is that we generate our own native projects which use a locally generated ern container.

The android and ios directories are not created by this command. They will be generated by ern run-android and ern run-ios.


ern create-miniapp <appName>



  • The name to use for the MiniApp. The MiniApp name must follow Electrode Native module name rules.

  • We recommend suffixing the name of MiniApp with suffix -miniapp


--language <TypeScript | JavaScript>

  • Deprecated: Use --template to use custom templates, for example

    --template react-native-template-typescript

  • Language to use for this MiniApp (either TypeScript or JavaScript)

  • Default JavaScript.

--scope/-s <scope>

  • Specify the npm package scope to use for the MiniApp.

  • Add the package scope automatically in the package.json of the generated MiniApp.

  • Default Package will be unscoped.

--packageManager <npm | yarn>

  • Deprecated: Yarn is the default, use --npm to override

  • The package manager to be used with this MiniApp (npm or yarn)

  • This will set ern.packageManager in the MiniApp package.json.

  • This setting will only be used for ern add and ern upgrade-miniapp commands. It won't apply for creating the MiniApp. Electrode Native is internally running react-native init command which uses Yarn by default, if available on the machine, when creating an app. React Native does not offer this to be configured as of now. If you wish to use npm, you will have to manually remove yarn.lock and node_modules/ in the MiniApp directory after creation, and run npm install.

  • Default The command will prompt for the package manager to use.

--packageName/-p <name>

  • Specify the npm package name to use for the MiniApp.

  • Add the package name automatically in the package.json of the generated MiniApp.

  • Default The command will prompt for the package name to use.

--platformVersion/-v <version>

  • Specify a platform version if different from the currently activated version.

  • This option is rarely used.

  • Default Will use the currently activated platform version.


  • Skip the installation of dependencies after project creation.

  • Default The value defaults to false.


  • Deprecated: Use npm info to check manually

  • Skip the check ensuring package does not already exists in npm registry.

  • Default The value defaults to false.

--manifestId <manifestId>

  • Id of the override Manifest entry to retrieve dependencies versions from (see override Manifest for more info)

--template <template>

  • The React Native project template to use.

  • Internally, Electrode Native will forward this template to 'react-native init' command.

  • Electrode Native will perform same post processing as it does on non templated MiniApps, once MiniApp is created (add 'ern' object to the package.json of the MiniApp and remove android and ios directories).


  • ern create-miniapp MyAwesomeApp

    Creates a MiniApp named MyAwesomeApp.

  • ern create-miniapp MyAwesomeApp --scope MyCompany

    Creates a MiniApp named MyAwesomeApp and use MyCompany as the scope of the MiniApp npm package.

  • ern create-miniapp MyAwesomeApp --packageName my-awesome-app

    Creates a MiniApp named MyAwesomeApp and use my-awesome-app as the name of the MiniApp npm package.


  • MiniApp names must be alphanumeric, cannot contain special characters, and cannot start with a digit.

  • Package name should be a valid npm package name.

  • This command is the ern equivalent of the react-native init command.

Last updated