Add a new native application version to the currently activated Cauldron
ern cauldron add nativeapp <descriptor>
A complete native application descriptor representing the native application version to be added to the Cauldron.
ern cauldron add nativeapp MyNativeApp:ios:17.14.0
Use specified platform version
--copyFromVersion/-c <version>
Copy the data of a native application version stored in the Cauldron.
Possible values for this option are :
A specific version, for example
if you want to copy the data from the latest version of the native applicationnone
if you don't want any copy from action
--copyFromVersion/-c <version>
option also copies the list of native dependencies and MiniApps as well as the container version to the new native application version.If you use the
--copyFromVersion/-c <version>
option, you do not need to add all MiniApps again after creating a new native application version in the Cauldron.This option is commonly used.
Description of the native application version
Configuration to set for this new native application version
If not provided, the configuration of the version copied from will be used (if any).
There is three different ways to provide the configuration :
As a json string
For example
--config '{"configKey": "configValue"}'
As a file path
For example
--config /etc/config.json
In that case, the configuration will be read from the file
As a Cauldron file path
For example
--extra cauldron://config/myapp-android.json
In that case, the configuration will be read from the file stored in Cauldron.
For this way to work, the file must exist in Cauldron (you can add a file to the cauldron by using the [ern cauldron add file] command).
ern cauldron add nativeapp <descriptor>
command is usually used when the development of a new version of the native application is started.The new native application version is identified by the complete native application description in the Cauldron.
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