This command can be used to publish a local Container to a repository, using a given publisher.
Currently Available Official Publishers
git To publish Android and iOS Electrode Native Containers to a remote git repository. The git repository provider does not matter (GitHub, BitBucket, TFS ...).
maven To publish Android Electrode Native Containers to a local or remote Maven repository.
jcenter To publish Android Electrode Native Containers to a remote JCenter repository.
dummy This publisher is mostly used for testing and as starter simple publisher reference to create your own. It does not actually publish the Containers anywhere.
ern publish-container
The local file system path to the directory containing the Container to publish.
Default If this option is not provided, the command will look for a Container in the default platform directory
Specify the native platform of the target Container to publish (
)This option is required, there is no default.
Specify the Container version to use for publication.
The version must be in the format:
where x, y and z are integers. For exampleversion=1.2.30
.Defaults to
Specify the Container publisher to use.
This option is required, there is no default.
You can also use a local file system path to a Container publisher package (only used for developing custom publishers)
The url to publish the Container to
Some publishers might not need an url. Check the specific Container publisher documentation for reference
Extra configuration specific to the publisher used.
Some publishers might not need an extra configuration. Check the Container publisher documentation for reference.
There is three different ways to provide the json extra configuration :
As a json string
For example
--extra '{"configKey": "configValue"}'
As a file path
For example
--extra <path>/publisher-config.json
In that case, the configuration will be read from the file.
As a Cauldron file path
For example
--extra cauldron://config/publishers/publisher-config.json
In that case, the configuration will be read from the file stored in Cauldron.
For this way to work, the file must exist in Cauldron (you can add a file to the cauldron by using the ern cauldron add file command).
Run the publisher directly from the container directory instead of a temporary directory
Defaults to
Related commands
ern create-container | Create a new container (native or JavaScript only) locally to the workstation.
Last updated