Building a Movie application

Getting started with Electrode Native

The Getting Started tutorial walks you through creating a simple movie application using Electrode Native.

We'll use Android for this tutorial. If you wish to use iOS instead, click the iOS tab on the top-right of this page.

The movie application includes two React Native MiniApps and two APIs:

  • MovieListMiniApp | This MiniApp displays a list of movies.

  • MovieDetailsMiniApp | This MiniApp displays the details of a selected movie.

  • MoviesApi | An API used to retrieve a list of movies.

  • NavigationApi | An API used to navigate from one MiniApp to another.

The tutorial shows how easy it is to integrate multiple React Native applications into a native application, and how to easily communicate between the JavaScript and the native side using APIs.

Before you begin

Once the command completes, you will see your first MiniApp running. If you used React Native previously, you'll notice that this MiniApp is the same as the React Native default starter app--after all, a MiniApp is nothing more than a React Native application!

Now let's update the UI of this MiniApp to display a list of movies.

Updating the MovieList MiniApp UI

1) Open the App.js file in your favorite JavaScript editor.

2) Replace the content of this source file with the following code.

 * @flow

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import {
} from 'react-native'

export default class MovieListMiniApp extends Component {

  _keyExtractor = (item, index) => item.title;

  constructor () {
    this.state = {
      movies: [{
        title: 'The Fast and Furious',
        releaseYear: 2010,
        ratings: '4.5',
        imageUrl: '',
        description: 'The Fast and the Furious'
      }, {
        title: '2 Fast 2 Furious',
        releaseYear: 2011,
        ratings: '4.0',
        imageUrl: '',
        description: 'How fast do you like it ?'

  render () {
    return (
        renderItem={({item}) =>
          <View style={styles.row}>
                uri: item.imageUrl ? item.imageUrl : ''
            <View style={styles.row2}>
              <Text style={styles.title}>{item.title}</Text>
              <Text style={styles.subtitle}>{item.releaseYear}</Text>


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    marginTop: 20,
    padding: 5,
    backgroundColor: 'black'
  row: {
    flex: 1,
    flexDirection: 'row',
    justifyContent: 'space-between',
    backgroundColor: 'white',
    padding: 12
  row2: {
    flex: 1,
    flexDirection: 'column',
    justifyContent: 'space-between',
    backgroundColor: 'white',
    padding: 12
  title: {
    fontSize: 20,
  subtitle: {
    paddingTop: 5,
    flex: 1,
    fontSize: 12
  icon: {
    width: 50,
    height: 70,
    flexShrink: 1,
    alignSelf: 'center'

Congratulations! You've successfully run and modified the initial UI of the MovieList MiniApp.

Now let's add an API to the MiniApp so that we can retrieve movies from the native application instead of manually hard coding them in the source code of our MiniApp.

Adding the MoviesApi to the MovieList MiniApp

We have already created and published the MoviesApi and a native implementation of the api for the needs of this tutorial. You may view the created API code in react-native-ernmovie-api repository and the implementation code in ReactNativeErnmovieApiImpl repository. We also created a NavigationApi that will be of use later in this tutorial, you can view its code in the react-native-ernnavigation-api repository.

1) Add the MoviesApi, the MoviesApiImpl, the NavigationApi and react-native-electrode-bridge as dependencies of MovieListMiniApp, using the ern add command.

$ ern add react-native-ernmovie-api-impl@0.0.11 react-native-ernnavigation-api@0.0.4

2) Open the App.js file and modify it as described in the next steps.

3) Import MoviesApi and add it below other import statements of the JavaScript file:

import { MoviesApi } from 'react-native-ernmovie-api'

4) Replace the constructor method with the following code:

constructor () {

  MoviesApi.requests().getTopRatedMovies().then((movies) => {
    if (movies) {
      this.setState(previousState => {
        return {movies}
  }).catch(error => {
    let movies = [{
      title: 'Titanic',
      releaseYear: 1997,
      ratings: '4.5',
      imageUrl: '',
      description: 'Titanic'
    }, {
      title: 'Avatar',
      releaseYear: 2009,
      ratings: '4.0',
      imageUrl: '',
      description: 'Avatar'

    this.setState(previousState => {
      return {movies}

  this.state = {
    movies: []

5) Save the App.js file

6) Because we added an API, that contains some native code, we'll need to regenerate the container used by the native application, in order for it to include the native code of the API. This can be done using the run command which recreates a new local container and launches the application. Enter the following run command:

The UI displays the movie names that are returned by the native implementation of the movie api.

Using the Navigation API

We will use the NavigationApi that we already added to our MiniApp earlier on. This very simple API will be used for navigating from the MovieListMiniApp to the MovieDetailsMiniApp.

1) Mofify the App.js file as follows so that when selecting a movie in the list, the MovieListMiniApp will call the navigation API to navigate to the MovieDetailsMiniApp to display the details of the selected Movie.

2) Add the following import statement:

import { NavigationApi } from 'react-native-ernnavigation-api'

3) Replace the render method with the following method:

render () {
  return (
      renderItem={({item}) =>
      <TouchableHighlight onPress={() => this._onPressRow(item)} underlayColor="gray">
        <View style={styles.row} onPress={() => this._onPressRow(item)}>
              uri: item.imageUrl ? item.imageUrl : ''
          <View style={styles.row2}>
            <Text style={styles.title}>{item.title}</Text>
            <Text style={styles.subtitle}>{item.releaseYear}</Text>

4) Add a method below the render method to send the navigate request when a movie is selected in the list of movies

_onPressRow (movie) {
   movie.isSelect = !movie.isSelect
   NavigationApi.requests().navigate('MovieDetailsMiniApp', {'initialPayload': JSON.stringify(movie)}).catch(() => {
     console.log("Navigation failed.");

5) Save your modification to the App.js file

6) Implement the NavigationApi in the native application.

Adding the MovieDetailsMiniApp

To complete the tutorial, add the MovieDetailsMiniApp to the application.

We've developed and published this MiniApp to reuse it in this tutorial. You may view the code of this MiniApp in the MovieDetailsMiniApp repository.

  • To add this MiniApp to the local container used by the native application, use a variation of the ern run command that allows you to include extra MiniApps to the local Container. Let's do that magic now.

Once the app is launched click on any movie and you will be taken to the details page of MovieDetailsMiniApp.

This is how easy it is to combine multiple MiniApps in a local container!

You've successfully used Electrode Native to build your first native application, composed of multiple MiniApps.

In this tutorial, we've covered only a small part of what Electrode Native offers. Be sure to check the rest of the Electrode Native documentation to learn about all the features that Electrode Native offers.

Last updated