Upgrading Electrode Native

This section describes how to upgrade and activate a new version of Electrode Native.

Platform versioning

A new version of Electrode Native is released every two weeks on Monday.

Main releases We bump the minor version for each of these releases, for example, 0.5.0, 0.6.0, 0.7.0, etc..

Maintenance releases Maintenance releases may be released between two main releases. A maintenance release will be identified by a patch version bump, for example: 0.5.1, 0.5.2, etc.

The intent of a maintenance release is to fix major bugs, with no workaround, that may impact multiple users. A maintenance release helps users so that they don't need to wait for the next main release.

Upgrading to a new platform version

Upgrading the platform is actually quite easy, its just a matter of running an ern command. That being said, before upgrading to a new platform version, you should always read the release notes(url) of this new version.

Indeed, while we will do our best to retain backward compatibility, some new versions might contain breaking changes that could impact your current workflow.

Before you upgrade

When you upgrade to a newer version of Electrode Native, previous installed versions of Electrode Native remain on your system; an upgrade does not overwrite the older versions.

Before you upgrade to a newer version of Electrode Native, read through the following upgrade guidelines:

  • Be sure to read the Release Notes for the new version.

  • An upgrade is usually backward compatible although backwards compatibility with every release is not guaranteed. Check to see if upgrading will impact your current workflow.

  • Electrode Native contains a built-in platform version management system--similar to what nvm uses for Node.js--which allows you to keep multiple versions of the platform installed on your local system. The system allows you to easy rollback to a previous platform version or to actually switch back to an older version for some use cases.

  • Only one version of the platform can be active at any given time.

To install and switch to a specific version of Electrode Native

  • Use the ern platform use command to install and switch to a specific version.

ern platform install | Used to install a specific version ern platform uninstall | Used to uninstall a specific version ern platform list | Used to list all currently available platform versions. Versions that are installed locally and the active version are highlighted.

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